var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function find(iter, tar, key) { for (key of iter.keys()) { if (dequal(key, tar)) return key; } } export function dequal(foo, bar) { var ctor, len, tmp; if (foo === bar) return true; if (foo && bar && (ctor=foo.constructor) === bar.constructor) { if (ctor === Date) return foo.getTime() === bar.getTime(); if (ctor === RegExp) return foo.toString() === bar.toString(); if (ctor === Array) { if ((len=foo.length) === bar.length) { while (len-- && dequal(foo[len], bar[len])); } return len === -1; } if (ctor === Set) { if (foo.size !== bar.size) { return false; } for (len of foo) { tmp = len; if (tmp && typeof tmp === 'object') { tmp = find(bar, tmp); if (!tmp) return false; } if (!bar.has(tmp)) return false; } return true; } if (ctor === Map) { if (foo.size !== bar.size) { return false; } for (len of foo) { tmp = len[0]; if (tmp && typeof tmp === 'object') { tmp = find(bar, tmp); if (!tmp) return false; } if (!dequal(len[1], bar.get(tmp))) { return false; } } return true; } if (ctor === ArrayBuffer) { foo = new Uint8Array(foo); bar = new Uint8Array(bar); } else if (ctor === DataView) { if ((len=foo.byteLength) === bar.byteLength) { while (len-- && foo.getInt8(len) === bar.getInt8(len)); } return len === -1; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(foo)) { if ((len=foo.byteLength) === bar.byteLength) { while (len-- && foo[len] === bar[len]); } return len === -1; } if (!ctor || typeof foo === 'object') { len = 0; for (ctor in foo) { if (, ctor) && ++len && !, ctor)) return false; if (!(ctor in bar) || !dequal(foo[ctor], bar[ctor])) return false; } return Object.keys(bar).length === len; } } return foo !== foo && bar !== bar; }