# # Translators: # jd615645 , 2020 # richegg Tsai , 2020 # 鍾佑豪 , 2020 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-01T17:59:17+00:00\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-01 17:42+0000\n" "Last-Translator: 鍾佑豪 , 2020\n" "Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://www.transifex.com/grocy/teams/93189/zh_TW/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: zh_TW\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Domain: grocy/demo_data\n" msgid "Cookies" msgstr "餅乾" msgid "Chocolate" msgstr "巧克力" msgid "Pantry" msgstr "儲藏室" msgid "Candy cupboard" msgstr "糖果櫃" msgid "Tinned food cupboard" msgstr "罐頭櫃" msgid "Fridge" msgstr "冰箱" msgid "Piece" msgid_plural "Pieces" msgstr[0] "件" msgid "Pack" msgid_plural "Packs" msgstr[0] "包" msgid "Glass" msgid_plural "Glasses" msgstr[0] "杯" msgid "Tin" msgid_plural "Tins" msgstr[0] "罐" msgid "Can" msgid_plural "Cans" msgstr[0] "罐" msgid "Bunch" msgid_plural "Bunches" msgstr[0] "捆" msgid "Gummy bears" msgstr "小熊軟糖" msgid "Crisps" msgstr "洋芋片" msgid "Eggs" msgstr "雞蛋" msgid "Noodles" msgstr "麵條" msgid "Pickles" msgstr "醃黃瓜" msgid "Gulash soup" msgstr "匈牙利湯" msgid "Yogurt" msgstr "優格" msgid "Cheese" msgstr "起司" msgid "Cold cuts" msgstr "冷盤肉" msgid "Paprika" msgstr "辣椒" msgid "Cucumber" msgstr "黃瓜" msgid "Radish" msgstr "蘿蔔" msgid "Tomato" msgstr "番茄" msgid "Changed towels in the bathroom" msgstr "更換浴室毛巾" msgid "Cleaned the kitchen floor" msgstr "清理廚房地板" msgid "Warranty ends" msgstr "保固過期" msgid "TV remote control" msgstr "電視遙控器" msgid "Alarm clock" msgstr "鬧鐘" msgid "Heat remote control" msgstr "暖爐遙控器" msgid "Lawn mowed in the garden" msgstr "清理花園草坪" msgid "Some good snacks" msgstr "美味零食" msgid "Pizza dough" msgstr "披薩麵團" msgid "Sieved tomatoes" msgstr "精選番茄" msgid "Salami" msgstr "義大利香腸" msgid "Toast" msgstr "吐司" msgid "Minced meat" msgstr "絞肉" msgid "Pizza" msgstr "披薩" msgid "Spaghetti bolognese" msgstr "番茄肉醬義大利麵" msgid "Sandwiches" msgstr "三明治" msgid "English" msgstr "英文" msgid "German" msgstr "德文" msgid "Italian" msgstr "義大利文" msgid "This is the note content of the recipe ingredient" msgstr "這是食譜食材中的備註" msgid "Demo User" msgstr "測試使用者" msgid "Gram" msgid_plural "Grams" msgstr[0] "克" msgid "Flour" msgstr "麵粉" msgid "Pancakes" msgstr "鬆餅" msgid "Sugar" msgstr "糖" msgid "Home" msgstr "首頁" msgid "Life" msgstr "生命" msgid "Projects" msgstr "專案" msgid "Repair the garage door" msgstr "修理車庫門" msgid "Fork and improve grocy" msgstr "協助改進 grocy" msgid "Find a solution for what to do when I forget the door keys" msgstr "規劃忘記鑰匙時的解決辦法" msgid "Sweets" msgstr "甜食" msgid "Bakery products" msgstr "烘焙用品" msgid "Tinned food" msgstr "罐頭" msgid "Butchery products" msgstr "肉品" msgid "Vegetables/Fruits" msgstr "蔬果" msgid "Refrigerated products" msgstr "冷藏食品" msgid "Coffee machine" msgstr "咖啡機" msgid "Dishwasher" msgstr "洗碗機" msgid "Liter" msgstr "公升" msgid "Liters" msgstr "公升" msgid "Bottle" msgstr "瓶" msgid "Bottles" msgstr "瓶" msgid "Milk" msgstr "牛奶" msgid "Chocolate sauce" msgstr "巧克力醬" msgid "Milliliters" msgstr "毫升" msgid "Milliliter" msgstr "毫升" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "底部" msgid "Topping" msgstr "配料" msgid "French" msgstr "法文" msgid "Turkish" msgstr "土耳其文" msgid "Spanish" msgstr "西班牙文" msgid "Russian" msgstr "俄文" msgid "The thing which happens on the 5th of every month" msgstr "每月 5 號發生的事情" msgid "The thing which happens daily" msgstr "每天發生的事情" msgid "The thing which happens on Mondays and Wednesdays" msgstr "每周一與每周三會發生的事情" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "瑞典文" msgid "Polish" msgstr "波蘭文" msgid "Milk Chocolate" msgstr "牛奶巧克力" msgid "Dark Chocolate" msgstr "黑巧克力" msgid "Slice" msgid_plural "Slices" msgstr[0] "片" msgid "Example userentity" msgstr "使用者自訂項目範例" msgid "This is an example user entity..." msgstr "這是一個使用者自訂項目範例" msgid "Custom field" msgstr "自訂欄位" msgid "Example field value..." msgstr "範例值" msgid "Waffle rolls" msgstr "蛋捲" msgid "Danish" msgstr "丹麥文" msgid "Dutch" msgstr "荷蘭文" msgid "Norwegian" msgstr "挪威文" msgid "Demo" msgstr "Demo" msgid "Stable version" msgstr "穩定版本" msgid "Preview version" msgstr "預覽版本" msgid "current release" msgstr "當前版本" msgid "not yet released" msgstr "尚未發布" msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)" msgstr "葡萄牙文(巴西)" msgid "This is a note" msgstr "這是一則備註" msgid "Freezer" msgstr "冷凍庫" msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "匈牙利文" msgid "Slovak" msgstr "斯洛伐克文" msgid "Czech" msgstr "捷克文" msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)" msgstr "葡萄牙文(葡萄牙)" # Use a in your country well known supermarket name msgid "DemoSupermarket1" msgstr "範例超市1" # Use a in your country well known supermarket name msgid "DemoSupermarket2" msgstr "範例超市2" msgid "Japanese" msgstr "日文" msgid "Chinese (Taiwan)" msgstr "正體中文(臺灣)" msgid "Greek" msgstr "希臘文" msgid "Korean" msgstr "韓文" msgid "Chinese (China)" msgstr "" msgid "Hebrew (Israel)" msgstr "" msgid "Tamil" msgstr "" msgid "Finnish" msgstr "" msgid "Breakfast" msgstr "" msgid "Lunch" msgstr "" msgid "Dinner" msgstr ""